What does love actually means?
Giving your all to the person you love?
Giving your time and gold to the person you love?
Giving comfort to the one you love when they're sad?
Giving them the things that makes them happy?
Much more, and none of these answers are wrong, cause all of them is a part of what love means. But what does love means in God's view?It's time for me to re-understand the true meaning of love.
1st Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstances.
We as humans, we think that love means by giving everything you have to the one you wanna show love to. Giving them your time, your gold, your concern and even your body to the one you love. Yes that's correct, but did we ever think about giving them what is the thing that they really want?What is the thing that their parents might expect from the relationship you are having with your love one?Did you ever stand in the side of the person you love and think about how they feel when you do so much stuffs for them?The answers are vary, maybe they felt loved by you?Or some might felt irritated by you?Some might just felt nothing cause they have no interest in you. So think before we act, that's still the best way to do.
There are many kind of love that are showed by the world nowadays. Let's talk about the media, in every movie we see these days, 99.9% that there is a scene that includes sex in it, agree?And by these movies, it had influenced many peoples that love means sex to them, and without sex, they don't felt loved by their partner.
Other than that, in another point of view, love means that you are actually showing care to the ones around you. God ought us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but we as humans, did we show love to our neighbors?Our neighbors doesn't means the one that lives with you only, but it also includes the one sitting on the streets, the beggars you passed by, the people you hate. Did human ever showed love to them? Most of us might just walk passed them, closing our eyes or ignoring the presence of these peoples. Aren't these peoples humans also? But why are we ignoring them? Couldn't we show them some love by just giving the beggars a dollar? By doing so, you might now know what are they gonna do with that dollar, they might just take that dollar and buy a cigratte or some cheap wine they can get. But what you had did is that you showed them what love means.
Love also include patience. Many of us might had experienced this. We promised the one we love that we will wait until that day when he or she finally says yes to your request of asking them to be either your boy friend or your girl friend. But i believe not many of us had succeed in the process of waiting. Because i understand the process of waiting someone, and i understand the pain took place in it. We said that we'll wait, but when the process goes on, we will feel both happy and sad, but most of the time, we'll face the side of being depressed more than being happy. Why did i said this? I believe whoever that had experienced this process understands what am i trying to say. We wait, because we love someone. We wait, because we wanna prove to the one we love how much we really do care for him or her. We wait, because all we had ever wanted is that the one we love will understand the love that we are trying to show to them, and hoping for a result that we want, not a result that would hurt us even more. This is why i said, love includes patience. In the process of waiting, we needs lots of patience in order to sustain and to stay strong while waiting. Cause the process of waiting hurts a lot, if we had no patience, we'll just give up easily, and hurting ourselves as a result.
Just a word of advise from me. If you love someone, trying loving yourself first. There's a phrase i read before and it says, Give the one you love 80% of your heart while the other 20%, keep it and show some love to yourself. I believe most of us didn't think of this before, and i am one of them. Cause i admit, when i say i'm in love with someone, i gave her all my heart, until in everything i do, i think about her first rather than thinking about me first. But when we know our result, if it's something we wished for, congrats. But what if it's the other way round? Hurts? Pain? Depression? No hope? What else? State them yourselves. This is me, i never had the chance to show some love to myself before showing them to the girl i really wanna chase. I had always give all my heart to the girl i love and never left a tiny bit for myself, and when it fails, it hurts. I couldn't describe it with any words, cause i couldn't think of a word to be used to describe that pain that i felt when i know the result. But what to do? There's nothing else that we could do, and there's nothing that we can do to recover it. All we can do is that we allow time to settle things up, let time be the medicine of the pain that we're facing. Cause when time passed, we'll feel better slowly. So i just wanna share this, and to tell my friends out there, love yourself before you wanna love someone, cause if you don't love yourself, you are not eligible to love others.
samson dont think too much,just let the time past,everything we will know in the future.but i hope you let go the girl if not you will torturing yourself.let her go when your love not so much and your pain also wont that much.i can tell you now i am doing nothing already i am like lost in somewhere else,dont know what should i do.i hope you get her but depend on situation.cheer up ok?got anything tell me i will try to help you.