Friday, 25 February 2011

A Day That Is Hard To Forget

     Everything started off very well at first, you and I, just another normal day that we spent time together, chit chatting, playing and fooling around together. But then i remembered, suddenly I've gotten tired and I've fall asleep. After I'm awake, it was all pitch black around, what I really really wanna do that time, is just to tell you how much i really do care for you, how much i really wanna be with you, but what my heart wants, isn't the thing that my mouth allows me to do. I've tried opening my mouth, trying to let you know that i really really do love you, wanna tell you that i really really wish that you could be my girlfriend, but all that time, my mouth just wouldn't allow me to tell you that, I felt like a coward, like a talker in front of my friends, my friends thought that i can handle love stuffs very well, by the fact is that, i'm just another loser in my love life, and I admit it. But then after awhile, you've gotten quiet, i expected something's gonna happen, and my sense were right, you cried! When the very first time i heard you cry, my heart starts aching, I tried asking you what's wrong? But you just wouldn't wanna let me know about it, but i'm sure it's about 1 thing, and that 1 thing only can make you cried like that, nothing else could make you cry like this, that's why i'm sure with what i know about you. All i wanna do that time, is just to cheer you up with whatever i can do for you, being by your side? Lending you my shoulder? Giving you a hug? Telling you "it's alright"? I've did it all, and what i really wish to see in the result is, a smiling girl looking towards me, but even though you showed me that you're smiling, i'm sure there's still pain in you, that you're just using this smile on your face, to let me put down the worriness in me. But there's nothing much i can do, except all the above that i've done, your heart is still with him, i couldn't just snatch from him for myself, that's just being selfish. I've promised myself to respect you, to respect the choice you are gonna make, and by  accomplishing that, from the very first time i wanna tell you all those things just now, had already wiped off from my mind, in the very moment, all i wanna do is that i wanna be with you, staying in your presence, making you smile and not to cry again. As what i've promised, all i want to see, is a girl that is smiling always, and not a girl that cries for what had past.

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